So it has come to my attention (my boyfriend told me) that I use the word love way too much. I'm always in love with people,
TV, places or clothing. Its always love and I always mean it. But am I simply short of adjectives or do I actually love everything?

Love a (1): strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties
(2): attraction based on sexual desire : affection and tenderness felt by lovers (3): affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests b: an assurance of love 2: warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion
These are alternatives I could use -
| admire, adulate, be attached to, be captivated by, be crazy about, be enamored of, be enchanted by, be fascinated with, be fond of, be in love with, canonize, care for, cherish, choose, deify, delight in, dote on, esteem, exalt, fall for, fancy, glorify, go for*, gone on, have affection for, have it bad, hold dear, hold high, idolize, long for, lose one's heart to, prefer, prize, put on pedestal, think the world of, thrive with, treasure, venerate, wild for, worship |
I think I'm just
enthusiastic. I see something and get way too excited and fall for it quickly. If I can't stop thinking about it I obsess and then yes say I love it. I don't love everything. I don't love
Zac Efron, Glamour magazine or Lily Allen. I do love Russel Brand, Sex and the City and Britney. But these have been in my heart for ages they
aren't just flash in the pans they run deep into my psyche. Yes I might be sad and just a girl but this is me. I will try and widen my vocabulary and mix it up but when I get excited and want people to know it I will be using the L word and yeah I will actually mean it.
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