Sometimes the world works in such odd ways. Just when you think it cannot get any worse it does and then just when you think it might all be over you catch a break. Today I found out I got a new job. Its my dream role but what has made it sweeter is my families reaction. They are so happy for me and so proud. These past few years have been so tough and although its been hard for me sometimes I think it is harder to witness. When I see my sister is poorly I melt I just want to make her safe and no one has been able to do that for me. My world crumbled around me and my health went from bad to worse. But through it all my family were there to pick up the pieces and pick me up literally. I know this sounds like a pity party but I do not feel sorry for myself. Although I hate my body sometimes and what it does I don't feel sorry for myself. How can I? I am surrounded by this amazing family full of people who love me and would do anything for me. If I was to call them at 1am they would come no questions. They are always there. They provide me with my backbone, they are my support system. As I continue on my journey to get better, to grow in confidence and regain myself they are there with me. I've hit a rough patch of late and I am faltering. Its a tough time being out of work and with no proper home I've started to fit daily this week. So when I rang them to tell them I've been offered my first proper full time job since my accident they were overjoyed and tears flowed. I am so full of love for them right now and am so grateful. I love my family and am not ashamed. I know I'm lucky. Lucky to be alive, lucky to have my parents, lucky to have my siblings but most of all I am lucky that they didn't give up on me as I wanted to. I think I get to be the favourite today!
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