Wednesday 15 April 2009

Ten things they should tell you before you do a design degree...

  1. Living away from home is terrifying at first but turns into the best experience of your life
  2. This is the time you can be your most creative. Make the most of it.
  3. If you actually want to get a job at the end of it don't do a making degree as these do not help.
  4. It doesn't matter how talented you are as a maker no one is going to hand you a job at your degree show.
  5. There are thousands of students just like you. Creative, talented, unique and all in need of a job.
  6. They don't teach you all you need to know.
  7. You really begin to learn when you start living in the real world.
  8. University is not reality its a holiday park.
  9. Make, make and then make some more. You'll only regret not using your time wisely.

    and finally

  10. You will make the greatest friends in the whole wide world and it will all be worth it.

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